Tooth Extractions Grenada

Removing Troubled Teeth That Threaten Your Smile

Wooden clasps extracted a wooden tooth

Your teeth are important, so if we’ve recommended a tooth extraction, you should know that we have a pretty good reason for doing so. Sometimes a tooth can develop problems that threaten the rest of your teeth, or even other parts of your body. A tooth extraction might be the best answer for ensuring the continued well-being of your smile. Don’t hesitate to contact our office for additional information about tooth extractions in Grenada or to schedule an appointment; we want you to feel comfortable about this process!


Why Choose Kringle Dentistry for Tooth Extractions?

  • Advanced Dental Technology for a Streamlined Process
  • Beautiful, Lifelike Restorations Available
  • After-Hours Appointments Available

When Are Tooth Extractions Necessary?

Close up of person wincing and holding their cheek in pain

A few situations that often warrant a tooth extraction include:

  • The tooth is so damaged or decayed that a dental restoration or filling won’t be adequate.
  • A tooth needs to be removed to address overcrowding, often before orthodontics or sometimes before receiving dentures.
  • A tooth is impacted, which means it cannot erupt properly and is a threat to other teeth.
  • Gum disease has compromised the tissue surrounding a tooth and they’ve loosened.